Tonight I am writing from my sleeping-bag on a hard hospital divan. Remy is in the bed beside me, recovering from his colostomy reversal procedure. While it is early days and we are not out of the woods just yet, I can tell you that he has pooped! And the gas games are also well underway… For 10.5 months we have anticipated Rem’s first bum-toot, and ironically, when it happened late yesterday afternoon, I didn’t even hear it! The two student nurses in attendance were well impressed though 😉 Despite the progress it looks like we will be here for a few days yet, so I have plenty of time to sit and stare at our brave son and contemplate his past, present and future…


You see, I’m not altogether sure that Remy is from around here. To me, in all his wide-eyed innocence and beauty, he seems other-worldly. Upon waking each morning, Remy looks at me with eyes that both beguile and calm – he doesn’t panic or cry in the manner of your typical 10 month old. He just gazes at me sleepily, blinks a little, then his face lights into a serene smile that suggests he has been anticipating this moment all night long. And as I lie there and exchange smiles and stares with him, I really do wonder, is this what we are all so afraid of?! I know these are early days and that we have a long road ahead of us, the twists and turns of which I ought not to underestimate… But surely this stunning little guy cannot be the embodiment of the very fear that demands so much antenatal screening? In retrospect, I am relieved that we didn’t undergo invasive testing with Remy, because I might never have known how easily this child could scoop up my heart and inflate it with a love so complete that I cannot help but adore all that he is.

We are so proud of our wee fighter, but no matter how big and strong he gets, he’ll always be our little Rembot x


P.S. I can’t express my gratitude enough to this wonderful hospital and its super-hero staff for all they are doing. Thank you RCH.